To add a Payment Method for a New Customer, please follow the steps below or check out our Quick Start Video here.
Adding a payment method
Now it’s time to add a payment method for our new customer, Jonathan. After all, we need to be able to take monthly payments from Jonathan somehow.
Let’s imagine that for this particular customer we will be adding a credit card over the phone as a payment method, so let’s follow the steps necessary to do that.
Click “Actions” in the top right corner of the customer menu, and then from the drop-down menu select “ Add Payment Method”:

This pop-up screen will show up. For the sake of this example, let’s add a testing credit card from and click “Done”:

Now that we have a payment method added to the account, let’s make it the default payment method by selecting the “Payment Methods” tab and clicking the “Make Default” button.

Notice how the blue-button changed into a green one with a tick to confirm that action is now completed.