To add a new Customer to your Billforward account, please follow the steps below or watch the Add New Customer section of our Quick Start Video here.
Adding new customers
Now that we have defined our subscription plan and its pricing, it’s time to add some customers in. This process can be automated on the back end, but let’s go through the process of adding a new customer manually via Billforward’s UI, as for some businesses adding customers in manually will be the optimal solution.
To add a new customer, you will need to create a new “Account”. Inside Billforward, Account = Customer (an individual or a business entity).
Let’s click on the Accounts in the left-hand side menu bar – you can see that for now the “accounts page” is empty.

Click the “ Add Account” button in the top right corner.

Here is your “account creation” screen – let’s add some details in for your first customer and click “Create Account”.

Now we have our first customer inside your Billforward account!